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The does and don’ts for using wallpaper as a splash back

Our most frequently asked questions is can you use our wallpaper as a splash back? Just a little disclaimer. All companies wallpapers are different. You may be able to use our wallpaper in certain circumstances that you would not be able to use it with other wallpapers. Read their wallpaper information and get in contact with them to double check. We would always much rather the customer make sure our product is right for them. We are happy to answer any questions you have.

Our wallpaper will work behind a basin splash back in a bathroom as long as the wallpaper has our waterproofing coat applied. You can ask us for a quote for waterproofing. Our wallpaper will not work over tilled splashbacks as dust and water can get up into the gap left from the grouting and damage the adhesive. We can fit the wallpaper  within each tile. You will still see the grouting in the situation. 

Kitchens are a little more complicated then Bathrooms. Our wallpaper is okay to use with as a splashback for a kitchen sink and behind the bench when it has the waterproofing coat. However, if you want to use our wallpaper above a stove top or near heat we would recommend that you put a glass screen protector over top of the wallpaper. Our wallpaper is not made to handle direct heat.